Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ramble Ramble

I really don't have anything much to say, except that I think I'm surviving motherhood a little better these days! Ha! We had a hard time with Isla at first, colic and acid reflux are not fun, but we have been taking her to see Monkia Buerger who is a chiropractor and I believe the combination of her adjustments and Isla growing into her body has made a world of difference. She is starting to smile like crazy and recognize Tim and I, and whenever I look at this picture (which come on doesn't she look like a cabbage patch doll) it makes it all worth it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pictures by Stevie Croft Photography!!

Stevie just happens to be my neighbor and friend, and did such a good job on these newborn pics! I love them! If anyone is interested in her work go here:

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