Friday, October 30, 2009

Cake Wrecks!

Ok for those of you who don't know I am OBSESSED with cake. I love to make it, look at it, and of course eat it. On my death bed I want a white cake with white butter cream frosting from Babe's bakery so I can eat myself into a delightful comma. In fact I might do that tomorrow...nah, but any way I found this hilarious (and sometimes randy so watch out) blog about professional cakes gone awry. I posted some favorites but if you want the complete collection go to:

Ok, to start out if you want to be sarcastic what do you do? "Put it in parenthesis"

What the heck?

Ummm I don't know what these even are. Use your imagination.

More favorites

Crappily conjoined cupcake kitties

Mutant duck with Botox lips

This is supposed to say "Good Luck at CNU"