Thursday, May 24, 2012

Total a good way

We went GOLFING!! WooHoo! I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon.  This was my first outing in a long time.  Travy-pants hit over 300 yds. and landed it right on the green.  We all swore at him and he had to buy us ice cream! :)

Logan River was so green and beautiful and there was tons-o-wildlife.
 Travis winding up, Tim and my dad shooting the breeze.

 My version of "ombre". I got super bored one day and mixed things up.  I ended up doing a bit more blonde on the ends. Anyhoo I'm finally with the times :)

This made me laugh...Tim was laying out our financial plan for the future i.e. retirement, to make sure we were on the same page and I was doodling. Haha I hope I die before him because I won't know what the heck is going on!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Isla-Roonie-Rue's 2nd B-day (Wow that's a lot of slang)

I have been the worst blogger lately, but I've either been too busy or too tired! Ha! Here is Isla's birthday pics...finally.  Her birthday was on May 1st.  She had no idea what was going on, just that for some reason mommy and daddy were letting her do whatever she wanted.  We ate fruit loops for breakfast, played outside with baby and bubbles.  Then we went to Costco and got raspberries and a watermelon (her favorite). She did eat a grilled cheese sandwich too.  I tried to do a photo shoot, but it didn't really work.  I needed more help! 

Isla got a swimming pool and swim toys, swimsuit, sun-g's, animal blocks that make noises when you put the right ends together, a doll, the big-kid flip-flops you see below (I love those toes) and a swing.  Pretty much she got spoiled. 

I tried to make a tunic from a pattern (you can see in the first pic) but the tabs you button were huge, and the whole thing was awkward, so the above pic was me just winging it, and I have to say it turned out ok! I also got a pattern to make this cute banner.  I guess I love to sew just a little too much some times. :)

Monkey aka Bear cupcakes