My mom came to visit me and take me out to eat before my root canal today after I complained to her all week. I know I am sounding very dramatic, but I had the worst tooth ache of my life, and woke up on Sunday with a swollen face. I went to the dentist and found out I needed a root canal...No problem! Wait! What? I have to wait a week to get it? And I need another crown? And if you readers remember I JUST GOT A CROWN! This is where I cried. I am such a baby! I went on pain killers and antibiotics (and had mild complications that only Annie and some close friends are allowed to know about). Also, the pain killers made me sick, and I would wake up in the night in pain and have to take more medicine, and then I couldn't get up to go to school! Hahahah...I know, how pathetic! The last couple of days were pretty much pain free because the antibiotics ate away some of the infection. I was sooooo happy to get the root canal, but I kind of have a funny/discusting story about it. So they start drilling up to my nose, and I smell somthing awful! I am pretty sure my dentist is farting! I was sooo grossed out, but after about 15 mins. of it not going away, I realized it was me!!! My infection they were draining smelled awful! Then I got super embarrassed, and a little nauseous. Mind you I even had nitrous and could smell it through my mask! I was just thankful that there are people on this earth that will put up with crap like that! On a good note, while my mom was here I gave her a deep facial at school for her Birthday (which is tomorrow). I loved it soooo much. I was so happy to do something relaxing for her because she helps me so much. She is such a wonderful mama! (We call her Nana now though, because of her grandkitten Morgan). We love you Nana!
You poor, poor girl. I feel your pain, I don't know if you remember that I knocked my two front teeth out in high school. Anyway, things happened infection happened, I too had to wait for a root canal, infection, a second root canal...all aweful. You brought back so many wonderful memories. Sorry about your sad, sad story. I am happy to welcome you to the denture club though. A big welcome to you Stacey!
Holy cow what a life you have had lately!!! That is awful!! I am glad your tooth got fixed though:) Happy Birthday Nana! Actually it's funny every St. P's day I remember it is your moms birthday and I remembered yesterday before I even looked at your blog so tell her Happy b-day! I am glad you feel better and that you are blogging lots:)
Stacey... I found you when I was blogstalking off of Megan's blog. It was good to see what you have been up to. If you would like to see my blog email me at ashley_larsen2@hotmail.com!
Ashley (Whitman) Larsen
That is so sad! Good thing you have a good mom to come help you out! I can't believe you had to get a root canal and another crown after just having one. NUTS! I am glad you are feeling better now. And your hair show looked awesome. I am jealous!
That really sucks about the infection and the root canal. Don't worry about the smell. That's why they wear masks! I hope you are recovering well from your ordeal!
I thought of you all week after we came by...glad you're doing better! :)
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