Monday, November 30, 2009

Turns out I'm Thankful too...

Life for me lately has been the exact opposite of what I'm used to, and never what I expected. I went from being completely immersed in school and hair (like 50 hrs. a week) to being sick, unmotivated and unemployed. Luckily I have been blessed to be over the sickness, but found myself in a muddle of emotions that I didn't expect. I don't want to sound so dismal, so I will tell you now why I'm thankful. I am forever thankful for my Father in Heaven who listens to me complain, and sends the Holy Ghost when I need a hug. I completely see the wisdom of his ways, and am finally thankful for everything I have experienced thus far. I have had the sweetest, most sacred experiences that I don't necessarily want to share, but my testimony of his love for all of his children has increased. I read a scripture today in a completely new light that I want to put in the nursery: "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." D&C 64:33.


The Bucks said...

You are definitely laying the foundation for your greatest work! Just relax and grow that baby and call me if you need anything!

mel said...

It will be the best thing yet! Hard for sure, I wont lie but truly amazing.

Randi Oswald said...

Stacey i just love you! And i am thankful for you and how spiritual you are!! I just love it and reading your posts truly makes my day and brings a smile to my face so thank you and if you need anything or anyone to talk to i am always here for you!!

Dimick's said...

What a sweet post, you are so awesome. What a great time of year to be pregnant.
I love ya!!!

Deanna said...

that is so precious! I love the idea of putting the scripture in your baby's room!