Sunday, June 26, 2011


So I've always wanted to run a marathon, and Laura Benson (the girl pictured below...which was taken almost 10yrs. ago at my friends wedding. She's gonna love it! Ha) challenged me to one. Well, after having Isla I've had stomach issues, so Kari Evans, another good friend of mine told me about a half marathon coming up & I though I'd better try that first....And TIM did it too!! WOOT WOOT! I am so proud of him! He really didn't train that much, and had shin splints real bad, and sprained his ankle a couple of weeks before, but he did it! I got horrible stomach pains at 12.5 miles! No kidding! Luckily a girl behind me saw me slowing down, and challenged me to run through the pain to the finish, and I did! I wanted to finish in under 2 hours, but made it to 2hrs. 9mins. Ahhh! Maybe next time. I'm still not sure I'm marathon material!


Adam and Aubrey said...

You rock my world. And so does that picture of Laura. haha. Awesome. You are seriously amazing!

mel said...

Way to go! That's awesome. I have thought about a half and definitely know I don't want to do a full. Well maybe I want to but I know I wont! Have you seen what people look like after running a full marathon. It aint pretty!!!

Maria said...

WAY TO GO GUYS!! That is awesome. Jordan is doing his first half in September at Camp Pendleton. Come run with him... :)

The Bucks said...

I am so proud of you (tear)! When are you coming to Cache Valley?